Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A Turtle Filled Beach Party

This last weekend I got to go to a wonderous beach party for Miss Taylor and Avrie Stickle. Taylor turned 17 and Avrie turned 15. I got to hang out with Thomas, Steven, Bree, Garrison, David, Scott, Christopher, Elias, and Cj and a whole other bunch that were V's friends. Good Times. We got to play ultimate frisbee although I didn't really play I just stood there and everyone yelled at me for not trying to catch the dang frisbee so they started aiming for my head (also good times). I also got to throw cake at both Taylor and Avrie. After I was there for about 30 minutes this one guy named Tyler (he looked like Rob Durden from Rob & Big, so we called him Durden) showed up and apparently he knew nobody and nobody knew him, yeah, freaky creeper boy! Oh and Steven ate a caterpillar, a hairy one, he just swallowed it, no chewing, growdee. But that was my fun filled Saturday. And on the way home in the car that Taylor was driving with Scott and Steven we sang all the songs on the Across The Universe Soundtrack. That was THE best part of the night.


Prom is in 10 days! WOOHOO!

Monday, May 19, 2008


...that there would be no more stupid drama and that everyone could just get along without talking crap on other girls.

thats all

Friday, May 16, 2008

I was going to live simply and give away all my money to the poor, until I figured out then I'd be poor, so the simple thing was just to keep it. I like when things make sense like that.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Oh Natalie!

Last week I had an amazing oppurtunity to hang out with Natalie Dejong, for her daddy called her out of 6th period so that way she could hang out with me! [got to love her father]. So we decided to go move Riley's car from the junior lot to the senior lot [which I did greatly {no car wrecks thank you very much}] then we, or I with Nat in the passanger seat, drove around the neighborhood by our school. She then decided to take my camera out and take pictures while I was mid-driving. She kept saying "Mandi, why arent you looking in the camera!?!?!" so I said "Nat, HELLO? Driving here WOMAN!". So these are the pictures we got out of it.

After I had my fun and got the drivingness all out of my system, we went to starbucks and of course Natalie drove because, yes you guessed it I don't have my license [hence why I am always asking Riley and Emily to pick me up] {thankth guyth}. At starbucks I got a Java Chip Frap and I just now totally forgot what Natalie got. oh well not importatant. But anyway it was a nice ending to my school day, oh yeah and after we got back from starbucks we wrote on Eric Hoover, Riley and CJ's car with my infamous window paint. Good times!:)
Lastly I would like to thank Natalie for hanging out with me and the Librarian for signing my prom permission slip when I didnt have my i.d. card, oh and a thank you to the amazing CJ for buying our prom tickets, oh and Josh for asking Riley to prom and saying that you would come in our group. yuyuyuyuyuuyuyuyThat's all folks!

Much Love and may President Bush die!...I mean may Peace be with you.